The journey to Your wealthy place

Thank you for stopping by to learn the tips, tools, quotes, scriptures and pearls that I have used to pull myself out of failure and ruin to Financial Freedom.

If I can have your attention for a few moments and you are coachable, teachable, available and motivated I would like to share the Success System for Life with you and show you how you too, can wake up from the Dream and start Living Life on a New Level.

The journey of wealth starts when you realize God has something better for you, you as being a child of God is peculiar in every way, and He did not die just for you to live a life of Mediocrity, He died that you might have life and have it more abundantly, that means in the life to come, and in the life you are in. You are "entitled" to Prosper.

I am a Mother by choice, DivaPreneur by passion, Nurse by education and Woman of God by calling. I am a Christian, here to empower, educate and encourage other women who have a desire to do more for her family, to give her children the life she desire for them. I am truly a PV31 Woman. I wear many hats and by the grace of God I wear them well. Welcome to your New Beginnings

Monday, April 16, 2012

Win one of 25 Free Vacations spots

I think that in these times that we are living in of high gas prices, low pay and a bad economy that this would offer some relief to your finances, just by shaving money off your electric bills and/or by adding additional income if you so desire.

If you're interested click the link below and call me for more information.

Note: We will have an informational meeting on this coming Thursday evening at 7:30 if you are in the Houston area, so you can learn more about being an Energy Broker=Marketing Consultant for Ambit Energy OR if you can not make the meeting there is a Conference Line Number and Videos that you can listen to or view in order to get more information about this GREAT Opportunity to Share the Light. Either way, please let me know.

With your Business Website through Ambit, people can sign-up for Lights 24 hours a day, so you can get PAID based on the number of people that become Ambit Customers. In addition, you can also get paid as people that you refer become Marketing Consultants. Or if you don't want to use Ambit as a Business Opportunity and just want to save money on your light bill.

I know several people who are currently very successful with the company as Marketing Consultants who have earned anywhere from $100-$300 for getting people to become customers and/or for joining the Ambit Business. Note: This link gives you information about doing Ambit as a Business Note: This link gives you information about being an Ambit Customer

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